Varnish in Shared Hosting
Varnish is offered as an optional upgrade with each of our Linux shared hosting. You can add it to your hosting account via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all shared plans and you’ll get a rather intuitive interface, which will give you complete control over the caching system. Using 1-click quick-access controls, you can reboot or discontinue any of the instances, i.e. Varnish will no longer work for a specific website. You can also see an elaborate system log or clear the cache for any of the sites. When you add Varnish to your shared hosting plan, you’ll be able to select the total amount of memory that will be at your disposal for data caching purposes and how many websites will use Varnish. You can always order more memory in increments of 32 megabytes and, for top performance, you can get a dedicated IP for the websites that will use Varnish. This will allow you to take full advantage of your Internet sites and to have many gratified website users.
Varnish in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Varnish is offered as standard with all Linux semi-dedicated hosting that we are offering and you can use it for load balancing purposes. It is available in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The content caching platform comes with 64 MB of system memory for cached data storing purposes and you can employ it with any website that you host in the semi-dedicated server account. In case you are in need of more, you can increase the memory allocation. The memory itself is offered in increments of 32 megabytes through the Control Panel’s Upgrades section. The exact same section will enable you to create more instances as well, in case you want to use the Varnish platform with more websites. The two upgrades can be ordered independently – you can cache the content of one resource-consuming Internet site or run several different Internet sites with the default memory allowance. You can take full advantage of the Varnish caching platform in case you have a dedicated IP and you can get one with your semi-dedicated plan as well. The Hepsia Control Panel will give you complete control over the platform and, with no more than one mouse click, you’ll be able to clear the cache, to view a system log or to restart an instance.
Varnish in VPS Hosting
We provide Varnish with all Hepsia-equipped Linux VPS hosting, so in case you get a VPS with this Control Panel, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the data caching platform at no additional charge. Varnish can utilize different amounts of memory for content caching purposes based on the very sever setup that you have selected during the subscription process, but nevertheless, this amount won’t be less than several hundred megabytes. This is more than enough to enhance the work of a number of resource-demanding websites, so the faster page load speeds and the less load on your virtual server will be noticeable. The result may not be apparent right away, since the Varnish platform will need some time to cache the content that visitors access, but shortly after you activate it, you’ll perceive its full potential. This caching platform will permit you to use a lower-end VPS server and to pay less money to get the same performance you’d get with a higher-end virtual machine without Varnish.
Varnish in Dedicated Web Hosting
You can employ Varnish in order to speed up any site that’s hosted on a dedicated server from our company when the Hepsia Control Panel is installed on it. Not only will you get the data caching platform ready for use at no additional cost, but you’ll also exert total control over it through Hepsia’s user-friendly graphical interface. It will take just one click of the mouse to start or shut down an instance or to clear the cache associated with any site that is using the Varnish platform and in case you are more knowledgeable, you can also check the platform’s logs. Varnish comes with no less than three gigabytes of system memory for caching purposes, so even in case you run a vast number of websites on your dedicated machine and they all use the Varnish caching platform, the difference in their performance will be visible. You will only need to wait for a little while till Varnish caches whatever content the website visitors load on their end. The platform works best if the websites use a dedicated IP, but owing to the fact that our dedicated servers include 3 free IP addresses, you’ll have everything you need.