If you’ve ever got any queries regarding your hosting plan or if you encounter a problem with your sites, you will have to contact the respective web hosting company’s tech support team. It may not make a difference how fast they’ll reply if you have a generic question, but an issue such as an ill-applied software application update, for instance, may lead to your website becoming damaged or inaccessible online. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to help you, the longer the website will be out of order. In case you offer services or goods online, any downtime will affect your site unfavorably and you can lose existing or prospective customers. Many hosting providers, especially resellers, reply to emails and support tickets within 24 hours, but in the electronic realm this is much too long, since clients will rarely go back to a site that is not working properly for a long time period.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Hosting

With a shared hosting from our company, you can just forget about waiting for hours and hours on end, or even a whole day, to obtain an answer to a technical support ticket or an email. No matter when you get in touch with us, we’ll help you within less than sixty minutes with any sales and technical enquiries you may have. As a matter of fact, our real response time scarcely ever surpasses 20-30 minutes. As we’re on duty 24-7, you’ll always obtain assistance in a timely manner and we realize exactly how critical that is in the electronic world. As soon as you contact us, we’ll answer your queries. If you bump into any technical complication, we will take care of it on your behalf, or we will provide you with all the necessary information in case there is something that you need to do on your end.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our client care staff reps will be at your disposal all the time and they will answer any support ticket that you submit from your hosting Control Panel within maximum 1 hour. The ticket response time is guaranteed regardless of whether you have a general query in regard to your semi-dedicated server or you encounter a certain problem and for most issues you will not have to wait even that long. Irrespective of what the essence of the issue is or what time it is, we’ll be there to help you, as we are available 24/7/365 to tackle any technical, billing or general issue. If you get in touch with us about anything that is within our power, we’ll resolve it before we respond, which implies that you will not have to wait around for hours or days while the problem lasts. If there is something that you need to do on your end, we’ll supply you with the needed info – what workable solutions to try out, what steps to take, etc.